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Marooned on a legacy case management system? There is a solution.


Over the last 20 years, a host of law firms and legal teams invested in first generation case management solutions, often based on the Progress (OpenEdge) technology stack.

For the sake of modern terminology, we will refer to these first-generation systems as “High Code”.

These High Code business process automation solutions required a small army of quasi developers to build and maintain the labour-intensive systems with millions of lines of a coding language that only a handful of highly sought after individuals were truly proficient in.

Many businesses dipped their toes into the High Code solutions but a good proportion of them lost their enthusiasm for the task quickly once the scale and cost of work in front of them became apparent.

Those that persevered, invested heavily to build the workflow automation systems that have underpinned their business processes, and profitability, ever since.

However, time and technology have moved on and these now legacy systems sit like a millstone around the neck of organisations that simply cannot imagine moving onto modern platforms and undertaking the redevelopment of workflows that have taken many decades of employee effort to build.

Until recently these were legitimate concerns with businesses all but marooned on “sticky” old technology. This has now changed with the advent of “Low Code” solutions offering up the tantalising prospect of a path to more future-proof technology.

One such provider is Lowcodeminds who also bring the two attractive distinctions of:

  • Developing legal focussed solutions on the Appian enterprise business process management and case management technology which boasts 10 million users globally, processing 11 billion transactions per day across 63 availability zones. This is the very definition of a robust and scalable enterprise solution and very much in tune with a move towards more standard business applications within the legal market.

  • Offering a very cost-effective offshore development resource that opens up the possibility of “built to order” solutions when traditionally vendors in this space have shied away from this approach due to the phenomenal amount of expensive resource required to build them and problems with defining and agreeing clear specifications with customers.

Professional solution development businesses are more comfortable in the ‘build to order’ space and understand how to bring customers on the journey with them, whether just load balancing internal resources or providing the lion’s share of the effort.

Lowcodeminds is a Legal Tech Buyers Guide Approved solution and highly recommended for volume case management users in the legal market.


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